Special Tribute
With our special tribute arrangements, there is something suitable for all services. Special tributes are a lovely way of incorporating flowers into your ceremony as they represent your loved one in a special and personal way. The dedicated ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’ tributes are made beautifully with stunning, fresh flowers and children’s tributes such as teddy bears and other handmade tributes are in various shapes.
Showing all 19 results
Teddy with Pink Coat Tribute Flowers
£95.00 -
Mum Tribute
£150.00 -
Gyp Star tribute
£0.00 -
Dog bone tribute
£0.00 -
Star tribute
£0.00 -
Special horse tribute
£0.00 -
VW special tribute
£0.00 -
Music note tribute
£0.00 -
A heart of flowers in a box – call the shop for further information
£0.00 -
Scottie Dog Tribute – call shop for further information
£0.00 -
Gardeners Tribute – call the shop for further information
£0.00 -
Football Tribute – call shop for further information
£0.00 -
Floral Photo Frame – call shop for further information
£0.00 -
Tigger Tribute – call shop for further information
£0.00 -
Beer Glass Tribute – call shop for further information
£0.00 -
Shamrock Tribute -call shop for further information
£0.00 -
Red Rose Cross
£350.00 -
Hammer Tribute
£125.00 -
Dad Tribute